The biggest worry arrises when hiring virtual help, especially when handling very sensitive personal and business information.

You will inevitably ask yourself this one, extremely important question:

Is my data safe?

Working remotely requires a sense of trust.

If it is your first time getting help with your personal life or business life (or both), it can be extremely daunting to hand over sensitive information to a person you don’t know and have barely only met online.

We talk about Internet safety to our kids, about never sharing personal information with strangers and to always be careful about who we are speaking with.

All of that is the truth and are absolutely necessary to navigate the web and conduct business online.

It is not all or nothing.

The good news is that you will speak to us directly and see our faces on our very first call! This will allow you to:

  • See we are real people doing an important job;

  • Ask all the questions you want to ask – nothing is off limits if it means it will make the decision a comfortable and easy one!

  • Decide for yourself if you are willing to take this step into improving your life and business by literally buying yourself more time.

How do we manage your information and keep it safe?

Please know:

  1. You are in charge: you decide how much and how little information you want us to handle, when, and for how long.

  2. We do not need everything all at once: we don’t need you to share all your information on Day 1. We typically only hold an average of 5 pieces of information per client in individual password manager vaults, and it is only passed on to us when it is necessary for a task, and not immediately.

  3. You can ask for data to be destroyed anytime: want a particular login to be destroyed right after a task is completed, or choose to have it destroyed immediately when your contract with us ends.

  4. You can share data with your own password manager: this is the best way to do things, as you can securely share passwords, logins, card details, addresses, and more, with expiring shareable links using your own password managers like 1Password or Dashlane. However, many clients need help tracking and setting this up, which is why we offer to create individual vaults per client in our own password manager (we use 1Password!)

  5. Your data is stored in a password manager: we use 1Password, a top-rated password manager which allows us to separate each of our client’s information into separate vaults that are only accessible by your dedicated VA. 1Password is great at scanning the web for data breaches and alerts us when one of our client’s data has been compromised and needs changing. 1Password requires a biometric login (fingerprint or FaceID) from your dedicated VA and is nearly impossible to hack into. Final note: your data is not, and never will be, stored in any other type of software.

So, yes, your data is extremely

safe with us.

Have a question?

email our Head Assistant at